Category Archives: editorial

3 weeks left

Only 3 weeks left before the M33M Winter 2014 (Michigan Movie Makers Micro Movie Marathon) entry deadline. You’ve wrapped another year on planet Earth, the holiday revels are mostly* history, you’ve played with all your toys, the bottles are recycled, … Continue reading

Posted in documentary, editorial, film festival, infrastructure, M3 vision, meeting, Micro Movie Marathon, narrative, outreach, production, research, short, storytelling, test screening, theater, volunteer | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Introducing Krystn Madrine!

My name is Krystn Madrine, and I have volunteered to be a regular contributor to One of my jobs will be semi-regular member interviews, introducing each of you to the others as we go along. I also will be … Continue reading

Posted in editorial, infrastructure, M3 vision, outreach, storytelling, volunteer | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

How to build an Industry

How do we help Michigan’s movie industry thrive? Make a great movie. Michigan Movie Makers brings together a diverse community of creative and practical people. One person can make a movie, but complex projects need a crew of technicians, artists … Continue reading

Posted in editorial, infrastructure, M3 vision, outreach | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Summary October 23, 2013

The M3 met TBAISD* Career Tech Center Film and New Media classroom/studio, (phew!) aka FNM. FNM’s Advisory Group meeting ran long, so M3 was a little late getting started. There’s some overlap between these two groups so the transition was … Continue reading

Posted in documentary, editorial, feature, funding, infrastructure, M3 vision, meeting, narrative, outreach, production, research, short, storytelling, technology / gear, test screening | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

M33M Summer 2013… not happening

We didn’t have quite enough entries by the deadline to deploy a proper M33M this summer 🙁 To those that entered, thanks! We’ll have another go in January.

Posted in documentary, editorial, film festival, infrastructure, M3 vision, meeting, Micro Movie Marathon, outreach, performance, production, short, storytelling, theater, volunteer | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Last day to enter M33M Summer 2013

This is absolutely the last day to enter your 3 minute or less movie, (including Vines) into the Michigan Movie Makers Micro Movie Marathon (or M33M) Summer 2013. Email your entries by 11:59 pm tonight. Tick tock! Trailers, tiny docs, … Continue reading

Posted in documentary, editorial, film festival, infrastructure, M3 vision, meeting, Micro Movie Marathon, narrative, outreach, performance, production, research, short, storytelling, test screening | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Make this weekend count!

Just one weekend left to get your M33M entries ship shape. Deadline is Monday July 22, 2013 11:59pm. Follow the entry guidelines… and have a nice day!

Posted in documentary, editorial, film festival, infrastructure, M3 vision, meeting, Micro Movie Marathon, narrative, outreach, performance, production, research, short, storytelling, technology / gear, theater, training, volunteer | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

M33M – one week remaining!

Just one week left to enter Northern Michigan’s shortest movie festival, the Micro Movie Marathon Summer 2013. We’ll be doling out another flock of Major Awards, plus a Golden Boot (if we get even one rejected TCFF bumper) AND (if … Continue reading

Posted in documentary, editorial, film festival, infrastructure, M3 vision, meeting, Micro Movie Marathon, narrative, outreach, performance, production, research, short, storytelling | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

M33M Summer 2013

What M33M is a biannual festival of 3 minute (or less) movies made by people in and around Northern Michigan. The acronym M33M (aka Micro Movie Marathon) is derived as follows: Michigan Movie Makers (M3) + 3 Minutes (3M) = … Continue reading

Posted in documentary, editorial, film festival, infrastructure, M3 vision, meeting, Micro Movie Marathon, narrative, outreach, research, short, storytelling, test screening, theater | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

21 days until M33M Summer 2013

Holy Cats, just three weeks left ’til the Summer 2013 Micro Movie Marathon. Major Awards for movies under 3 minutes and the coveted Golden Boot for this year’s best rejected TCFF bumper! Details for entry to follow. Save the date, … Continue reading

Posted in documentary, editorial, film festival, infrastructure, M3 vision, meeting, Micro Movie Marathon, narrative, outreach, production, short, storytelling, technology / gear, theater, volunteer | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment