Category Archives: editorial

Process and Debrief – Winter 2015 M33M

The following article is posted as written by Dan Kelly. It is Dan’s explanation of the philosophy and methodology of the M33M festival, his assessment of what went right and what went wrong, his thoughts on making it better next … Continue reading

Posted in Community, editorial, film festival, infrastructure, job, M3 vision, meeting, Micro Movie Marathon, narrative, outreach, performance, production, research, short, storytelling, technology / gear, test screening, theater, training, volunteer | Leave a comment

Cinema Camera Roundup 2015

It is easy to get caught up and overwhelmed in the ever-changing landscape of digital cinema. To get your brain in a twist, we have to worry about sound, camera, computers, non-linear editing software… and within there you have codecs, dynamic range, color spaces, … Continue reading

Posted in Community, editorial, production, technology / gear | Leave a comment

What Am I Doing: Robin Pearson

With a new year comes lots of new and exciting things for the Michigan Movie Makers and its website. We will play host to many new posts and writers from the community. “What Am I Doing” is a monthly column … Continue reading

Posted in Community, editorial | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Low pay ASAP project helping Dede Alder

A local artist, Dede Alder, is looking to work with a reliable film maker to put together a short Indegogo (online fundraising website) video to help raise money for a study trip to Italy, where she will study with the … Continue reading

Posted in documentary, editorial, job, short, storytelling, volunteer | Leave a comment

Dogman 2, Pro Wrestling and Volunteers for Picnic at the Opera

Picnic at the Opera is coming up and the UpNorth Media Center could use a few volunteers.  I’ll take you on quick tour through what’s happening at the Media Center including a new wrestling show in the works and a … Continue reading

Posted in editorial, feature, outreach, production, technology / gear, training, volunteer | Leave a comment

M33M the 6th

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014, M3’s 6th Micro Movie Marathon screened 44 short movies – 3 minutes or under. A few entries were rejected (multiple entries from the same people) to keep the show time a reasonable 1:55. That’s a … Continue reading

Posted in documentary, editorial, film festival, infrastructure, M3 vision, meeting, Micro Movie Marathon, short, storytelling, test screening, volunteer | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

The Golden Boot explained

NEW NEW NEW – Upgrade to Golden Reboot – NEW NEW NEW M33M 2014 Winter was the first presentation of the Golden Boot, given to the Best Bumper that didn’t win from the Traverse City Film Festival bumper contest. The … Continue reading

Posted in editorial, film festival, M3 vision, Micro Movie Marathon, storytelling, volunteer | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

M33M entry deadline is NOW

As of this writing, about 14 hours remain to enter your movie in the Michigan Movie Makers Micro Movie Marathon 2014 Winter, screening this Wednesday January 29 at the Inside Out Gallery, 229 Garland Street, Traverse City from 6:30-8:30 PM, … Continue reading

Posted in documentary, editorial, film festival, infrastructure, M3 vision, meeting, Micro Movie Marathon, narrative, outreach, performance, production, research, short, storytelling, test screening, volunteer | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Not tonight, NEXT Wednesday

Warning! M33M 2014 Winter is not today, it’s next Wednesday January 29. That’s one week or 7 days from today. NEXT WEDNESDAY. Tell your friends. Due to a slight miscalculation by a usually reliable Core M3 member who shall remain … Continue reading

Posted in documentary, editorial, film festival, infrastructure, M3 vision, meeting, Micro Movie Marathon, narrative, outreach, research, short, storytelling, test screening, theater, volunteer | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

7 days to enter

Will this be the best Micro Movie Marathon yet?  You’ve got just 7 days to make it so. Next week at 11:59 PM the opportunity to enter the oddest little festival in Michigan will have slipped past. Most of us … Continue reading

Posted in documentary, editorial, film festival, M3 vision, meeting, Micro Movie Marathon, narrative, outreach, production, research, short, storytelling, technology / gear, test screening, theater, volunteer | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment