Professional Gauntlet

This is a personal shout out to all my professional peers. The dates for the Micro Movie Marathon (M33M) have been shuffled, as of today there’s an EXTRA 15 days left to enter. The fabulous State Theatre is the NEW venue, and I’m throwing down the gauntlet.

TC Film Festival
M33M is coming to the State Theatre February 18, 2015. Entry deadline is February 16.

My studio (Artist house / Trickster Pictures) is producing 3 new shorts for entry into Winter 2015 M33M, incorporating both material from the vaults AND footage yet to be shot. If I can do 3, you and your team can do 1, especially if you’ve never entered M33M before. Especially if you have a recent commercial triumph already in the can and all you need is the client’s consent to enter. Especially if that nearly complete narrative project needs a trailer anyway.

We’ve already got a slew of entries from the defunct January entry deadline, this year will likely yield our most tasty crop of Micro Movies ever. Come the February 16 entry deadline, M33M will likely have more entries than can be screened – so why should you bother to enter? Channeling George Mallory – because it’s there. We pay the rent and keep our families fed by telling stories, it’s our calling.

M3 is changing and I’m no longer leading the pack, thank goodness. There’s a new sheriff in town and a whole posse of motivated deputies. I get to spend more time making movies and M3 gets to make consistent progress towards outcomes that benefit our fledgling regional industry. Accept my challenge and squeeze an M33M entry into your tight schedule. We can grow everyone’s opportunity by coming together and sharing what we do.

Ok, forget the rousing visionary spiel and ask – can you afford not to enter the premiere showcase for regional production? Kids with iPhones and a zillion YouTube hits are howling at the gates. Could some arrogant whippersnapper be gearing up to steal your bacon?

There’s only two weeks left!

This entry was posted in Community, documentary, fan, film festival, meeting, Micro Movie Marathon, narrative, outreach, production, research, short, storytelling, test screening, theater, volunteer. Bookmark the permalink.

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