Multiple Choice

The acceptable duration for a 3 minute or less movie entered into the Micro Movie Marathon is…

  1. 2 weeks
  2. 3 minutes
  3. 3 minutes or less

If the date is January 13, 2014, how many weeks remain before the M33M entry deadline?

  1. an infinite amount of time
  2. 2 weeks
  3. Peru

According to the precepts of Zarathustra, the 3 most spiritually evolved reasons to enter the Micro Movie Marathon are

  1. the groupies
  2. Christopher Walken
  3. 2 weeks
  4. Tamales
  5. If everyone entered a 3 minute movie into the Micro Movie Marathon, we’d be well on our way to a comprehensive and accessible inventory of our community
  6. none of the above

Submit answers as comments. Good luck.

Screen Shot 2014-01-06 at 2.23.45 PM
Mida Chu, Shh…utter
M33M 2013 Winter Major Award What Would Tesla Do?

This entry was posted in film festival, infrastructure, M3 vision, Micro Movie Marathon, outreach, production, research, short, storytelling, test screening, theater, volunteer and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Multiple Choice

  1. This was one enjoyable, cleverly done post! While I have nothing to enter into the competition, I’ll be spending some quality time with the concept and how I may one day ‘reach out’ for one of those very special awards!

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